A joint project between NH-Capital, I-craftsmen and Smart Education. The project will be a competition between small teams of children aged between X – X. Each team will receive an identical immature infant AI. The goal is for each team to educate and mature their AI through whatever methods they desire. After a time limit of XXXXXX each teams AI will be put through the same standardized test. The winner will be the team that submitted the highest scoring AI.
The main goal of this project is to introduce AI to the next generation, as AI technology will most likely become increasingly prevalent in our lives in the future. Of course we also fully intend to make this competition fun and exciting for the children as well.
While this is a children’s competition, we have a chance at gathering data related to the development of AI’s. More importantly we will be able to study how children react to and interact with this technology, that has become an increasingly controversial subject in the fields of science, politics and labor.